Tiago Neto

Clinical biomechanist, Liroms

Dr. Tiago Neto completed his education in Physiotherapy with a Bachelor obtained with the Universidade Atlântica, Lisbon (2005) and a Master of Science with the Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon (2011). Afterwards, Dr. Neto completed his PhD in Human Motricity with the Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon (2016), after conducting research to understand the effect of neural mobilization techniques in the mechanical properties of peripheral nerves.

In parallel to his academic formation, Dr. Neto worked as physiotherapist (2005-2011) of the Portuguese Gymnastic Federation, being responsible for the athletes representing the national team of Rhythmics gymnastic and Aerobics gymnastics. In addition, he started a career in academia, in 2005, teaching courses related to Anatomy, Human Movement and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy in the Bachelor in Physiotherapy of the Universidade Atlântica, Lisbon. This career continued in Luxembourg, teaching in the Bachelor and Master in Physiotherapy of the Lunex University, Differdange, and being the Bachelor in Physiotherapy Programme Leader between 2018 and 2022. 

In 2022, Dr. Neto joined LIROMS as Clinical Biomechanist responsible for clinical data analysis and interpretation at the Human Motion Lab, in Eich.